What’s Wrong With Curvy Women?
I think a great poet named Humpty said it best; I like the girls with boom. Continue reading…
View ArticleHair Extensions 101 [Review]
I finally took the big step in the hairdo world and decided it was time to splurge on hair extensions. For the last two years I've had short hair in several colors. At this point, my hair was never...
View ArticleMost Americans Think They Are Darned Good Looking — Survey of the Day
According to a new survey in which respondents were asked to rate their own looks on a scale of one to ten, Americans are a very self-confident bunch. Continue reading…
View ArticleWoman Has Most Beautiful Face In Britain
Have you ever been sitting around wondering who the most beautiful woman in England is? Well wonder no more, because people have voted and It's Florence Colgate. Not to shabby. Continue reading…
View ArticleJust When I Think I Can’t Hate Beauty Pageant Contestants Any More, They Go...
The Miss USA contestants are nice to look at, but like most pretty girls, the screw it up by pretending to have a personality. Continue reading…
View ArticleImportant Things Cougars Need To know To Keep Looking Young
The idea of sleeping with a cougar is big on a lot of guy’s minds. But ladies don’t just think because you are old you are automatically desirable. Here are some...
View ArticleFree Beer & Hot Wings: Beauty Queen Busted for Insurance Fraud for Faking...
So, there are probably a million stereotypes about beauty queens. Some are probably pretty unfair. However, in this case, this beauty lives up to the hype and fulfills everyone's expectations that she...
View ArticleFree Beer & Hot Wings: Woman's Eyebrow Waxing Turns Into Eyelid Waxing (Video)
Ask any woman you know and they'll probably tell you that eyebrow waxing, or waxing in general, is no big deal. Sure, it may not be the most comfortable thing in the world, but it comes with the...
View Article100 Years Of Women’s Hairstyles In 1 Minute [VIDEO]
With the proper lighting and makeup this women is a time traveling stone cold fox regardless of what decade she is in. Continue reading…
View ArticleTeen Bathes In Pigs Blood (Video)
On The Free Beer & Hot Wings Morning Show they talked about a teenage girl who bathes in pigs blood to preserve her youth. I wonder, if Carrie knew about this, would she still flip out at the...
View ArticleThe Most Beautiful Place in Albany County
Let us know if you agree with this choice or not! I recently was perusing the internet and came across a list on newyorkupstate.com about the most beautiful places in each of New...
View ArticleQ103 Work Day Distraction Crashes the New Moon Beauty Studio!
Congratulations to the New Moon Beauty Studio in West Coxsackie, NY for winning this week's Work Day Distraction! Tabitha and her crew are hard working ladies who truly rock! They work a job where they...
View ArticleGlass Skin. What It Is and How NY Women Can Glow This Fall
We're going a step beyond not having dry skin this fall. We're going for the holy grail. Dun dun duuuuuun. Glass Skin. Continue reading…
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